“Where the Air is Black” is an urgent and poignant documentary that brings to light the harrowing realities faced by the resilient inhabitants of Odimodi, a once-thriving community in the heart of the Niger Delta. What was once a place where the air was filled with the promise of longevity and vitality, where residents could dream of living well into their centenary years, has now become a community grappling with the devastating aftermath of relentless oil spills and environmental degradation
At the heart of this documentary narrative is Mrs. Oguma, a stoic and determined woman who embodies the struggles and fears of the Odimodi community. Her husband, the oldest living man in Odimodi at the age of 63, is a living testament to the community’s tragic decline. As he battles constant illness and the specter of a diminished life expectancy, Mrs. Oguma grapples with the looming dread of losing him and the uncertainty of the community’s future.